Devenez membre de notre programme de fidélité et accédez à des avantages exclusifs aux membres à chaque fois que vous faites des achats. De nombreuses récompenses attractives vous attendent !

Loyalty Program MesBilles

Loyalty program of the site in Video

Buy Marbles and win Gifts

Become a member of our loyalty program and access exclusive member benefits every time you make purchases. Many attractive rewards await you!

You can earn points for every euro spent on our site and earn even more points by completing the actions presented in this video and detailed in this article.


The Loyalty Program of the site in detail

Join our program to get attractive rewards!

1. Register for free to the Program

Signing up for the program will earn you 10 points of Loyalty. To do this, simply click on "Loyalty" from the menu on the site Then, click on "Join".  

2. Buy on My-glassMarbles

My-glassMarbles has been dedicated to the sale of marbles for over 10 years. We offer a very wide selection of marbles: more than 2000 marbles from 10 mm to 130 mm, round or flat marbles, marbles for playing or decorating. For every euro spent on the site, earn 10 points of Loyalty.

3. Subscribe to the newsletter

To be informed about new arrivals of marbles, you can subscribe to the newsletter of My-glassMarbles. And if you have previously joined our loyalty program, you will automatically earn. 10 points of Loyalty.


4. Communicate your Birthday

Happy birthday! Tell us your date of birth so that we can offer you with pleasure 10 additional Loyalty points

5. Follow My-glassMarbles on Instagram

Do you use Instagram? In that case, consider following My-glassMarbles on Insta to win. 10 points of Loyalty

6. Like My-glassMarbles on Facebook

Do you like Facebook? In that case, think about Liking My-glassMarbles on Facebook to win. 10 points of Loyalty

7. Follow My-glassMarbles on TikTok

In the same way, following My-glassMarbles on TikTok will allow you to gain 10 points of Loyalty

8. Subscribe to the YouTube channel of My-glassMarbles

The YouTube channel of My-glassMarbles already has a hundred videos. Every day, a new one is published. Subscribe so you don't miss the new posts and gain 10 points of Loyalty

9. Follow My-glassMarbles on Pinterest

Do you use Pinterest? In that case, consider subscribing to the Pinterest account of My-glassMarbles to win 10 points of Loyalty


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